Thursday, January 23, 2020

To blog again? gets in the way of blogging. It has been forever since I posted anything. I am actually shocked that my blog hasn't been cancelled. I have been thinking of posting on here more to better document the things the Keens do and big things going on in our lives.

Since last blogging we have gotten married bought a house, fixed it up, had a wonderful daughter, moved to a new house (what I call our forever home), completed some big remodeling projects on it and can't stop. :)  Now we are expecting a little boy in May. Hoping I will get back into this by posting some of the stuff we have done to the house, attempted craft projects, Dan's cooking, and who knows what else. I want to document more of what our family does for our own benefit, so what better place than here. Wish me luck and focus to get this done.