So sorry blogging world, I left you. It has been a crazy, fun summer and I just can't bring myself to sit in front of my computer. I want to be out with my pup and enjoying the AMAZING summer that we have been enjoying in Seattle.
So...I started this post a bit ago and so much has happened since then but this was the start of it all
I read this article about how Seattle is not that friendly or open city.
We keep to ourselves and although are polite, we don't openingly welcome new people into our lives. There are many theories on why. My thought has always been that other people are busy and why would they want me to interrupt their day. I always used to get annoyed when one of my friends (not from Seattle) would go strike up conversations with strangers. Don't bug them...they are enjoying their day. Little did I realize that most of the world does this and Seattle is known for being unfriendly. I decided that I was not going to be a part of this. I was going to be friendly and open. I was going to invite strangers put to meet people and not be a part of this Seattle stereotype.
I have always (well, at least as an adult) been the type of person to love to bring people together. I love taking groups of people that don't normally mingle and bring them together. I can't wait to someday get married primarily because the idea of having everyone that I love in one place for a party just sounds fabulous to me (I am sure the husband, love, and of course the dress will all be great too).
So, first victim...I friend (perhaps more...but that is another post). On a May Saturday, I was chilling in my apartment waiting for some carpet cleaners who were late, I walk down to my managers office to figure out what was going on and there he was. He was looking for an apartment and had just moved from Virginia Beach (I pretend to know where that is...I hope I am right in my assumption that it was in Virginia). I say hi and take a deep breath and invite him and his friend out to a birthday party and then explain my 'mission'. I am sure he thinks I am crazy, but I am trying and don't care. We exchange numbers and he is stored as "Dan from the Lobby." I go about my way and am happy with my attempt and if it does or doesn't work, I did what I set out to do.
He doesn't end up coming to that particular party...he had tickets to see Jason Aldean (a reasonable excuse to a country girl like myself). He did however come out to another one and met some people.
I have continued to be more open...asking confused people with maps on the street if they want help and inviting new people in the area to come out and meet some of my friends in hopes of making more connections. I feel good about it and it has definitely opened my life up a bit. I recommend that others do the same, it has done nothing but good things for me.
Sorry for my blogging absence. I will do better...