Sunday, March 24, 2013

Things to note about Europe...

I am finally catching up on my European are some random thoughts about things I observed over there.

This is not as commonly used over there as it is here, or maybe it used to not be and that smell is just lingering, kind of like it does in that one shirt you wore that one day you forgot to put on deodorant.  It wasn't horrible or unmanageable, just something I noticed.

So, in the US we tip...pretty much no matter what. We tip for good service, we tip to compensate for the fact that wait staff don't make enough money, we tip for everything. You tip in Europe for Superior service (which in my opinion is how it should be). There is no expectation and they are grateful for it. This was my experience anyway. Loved it and wish there was a way to change the system here. I hate tipping as a matter of requirement and not because someone actually stepped up and did something above average. I don't get a tip for meeting a deadline and or completely my daily tasks.  Luckily I have friends that work in the service industry and understand how important tipping is, I just wish it worked differently here. are an American?
I loved that you could walk about and no one knew you were a tourist (well...except for maybe Italy). It wasn't until we opened our mouths that people would figure it out. Being someone that mostly vacations in exotic places where we stand out like a sore thumb, this was a nice change. It is nice to be submerged in a culture and no one notice you or try to ask you to buy something because they know you are tourists. 

My boots got me through this trip. It took me a bit to find them but for walking your way through Europe, I would say they are the best!  I got them from Nordstrom and lived in them during the trip and for a good part of the time after I got back. I could walk for days in these. They were great because you could dress them up or down.  Nicely done Keen (Bern Baby Boot).

I was a little nervous with potential language barriers when we were planning the trip, I hate being that person that assumes that everyone knows English  although without some serious investment in Rosetta Stone, I didn't think I was going to be able to learn Italian, Dutch and Irish Gaelic by the time we left. So armed with my laptop, phone and the Internet I crossed the world. To my surprise, almost everyone speaks English (Italy being the exception). We tried to learn words and not be those people, but people were pretty awesome. 

European Airlines
We elected to fly around on Ryanair and Easy-Jet. Some things to note. They are STRICT on their weight limits  for checked luggage and carry-on sizes. Be sure to check these as the limits are much lower than in the States and the fees are significantly higher. 

Multiple Airports
So...this might be common knowledge to others, but I was not aware that Rome had multiple airports. I would assume that this might be the case at other cities. We found this out the hard way. We headed to one airport (the one we arrived at) and upon arrival realized that we were at the wrong airport. The other airport is on the other side of town. After a 60 euro trip, we just made it for our flight.

Time Change
I was never able to get used to it, we were in Europe for only 11 days and maybe that was why, but I just never was able to fully get used to it. So if you head over, take that in mind when planning activities, getting up in the morning was a slow process and the black out curtains didn't help me move any faster.

This was my favorite city and I would love to go there in the summer/spring to really enjoy it. The Netherlands in general was the best part of the trip. The people there were so friendly and the charm of the cities. We spent a lot of time wandering the streets and poking into a few spots.  The weather was pretty rainy when we are there, but it was still beautiful. 

If you have never been to Europe, I can't even begin to explain how amazing it was. The only problem with going is that you will just want to go back.

Does anyone else have any comments? Tips?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Every year I decide to take a month or so to clean stuff up, although not your typical spring cleaning, we are talking about our diet/drinking habits/etc. I wouldn't say I drink a lot and but I go threw spurts of lots of social events and whatnot. I also tend to get lazy when I am  busy with work (I just finished my year end audit). So, once a year I take some time to say good bye to booze and worse of all good bye to chocolate. I also may or may not be doing this so I look fabulous for a Mexican vacation (hopefully to be in May).

So what do I do? I stop eating entirely for 40 days and live off lemon juice.  Just kidding, not quite that crazy. Each year I do it a little differently. There is definitely some calorie watching and usually a limit on the starches/carbs. Each year it changes based on what I thought was good the prior year and things that I learn during the year.

This year we are going with a low carb/lean meat/no dairy/lots of veggies kind of thing. I also like to throw in some overpriced juice cleanse days.  :) 

For is what a cleansing cart looks like, although this is kind of what my cart always looks like because if I grocery shop I eat pretty healthy...I just usually tend to eat out.

As I have mentioned multiple times...I love Blue Print juices, although the price is sometimes hard to justify. I have found the best way to have kale is to make kale chips, break it up and remove the stalks, cover with olive oil, your favorite spices/seasoning salt and maybe a lil garlic. Put it in the oven at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 mins, just keep an eye on them till they are crispy. 

Key things I learn after these cleanse/spring clean up;
  • I feel great when I am not hungover and eating right gives me a lot of energy and keeps me motivated to get things done.
  • Not going out on weekends and drinking results in some serious savings in my banking account and as I have made that a huge priority that is a great thing.
  • It is fun to find fun ways to cook healthy. 
  • You do fall off the grid a bit socially, especially if you have friends that do drink (which I would say is most of us or at least all of my friends). They will be there when you are done and some will even be crazy enough to spend time with you sober.
  • Throwing some work outs and what not in there is a good idea as well, just make sure that your calorie intake isn't too low.

On the plus side for my MILLIONS of will lead to more theory. Wish me luck tomorrow I start day 4 of 40.  Try it out will feel awesome. 

Happy Spring Cleaning!

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Favorites...right now.

It has been a pretty good week and I am just all and all very happy about how things are going in life. Thought I would share some things that I am enjoying right now...

Food - home made kale chips...over at 400/broil, kale in oil with minced garlic and seasonings of your choice, throw it on a baking pan for 10-15 mins and enjoy. I will post a picture eventually. I am trying to be good and have kale. This is the only way that is really working for me right now.

Technology - I broke down and purchased an ipad mini and I LOVE it. Perfect size, great for checking email, keeping an eye on my finances (thanks, and now I am actually reading the news/mags that I purchased...what a concept. I was also introduced to TED Talks, LOVE them and totally recommend checking them out ( Think it is too expensive or out of the budget? Try selling some stuff that you maybe don't use or whatnot on Craig's list. I sold a tablet that I received a few years back and used it to support this purchase.

Drink - I have always love Blueprint's juices, but unfortunately, they were only available in NY and a lil pricey to be delivered  well...they are still a bit pricey  but also available at Whole Foods (aka...Whole Paycheck).  I love all of their juices and now I can just cleans for a day or something on a whim without worry about planning. I also try to drink one green juice a just makes you feel better.

My blog - I have been having fun customizing it and cleaning it up a bit...and even posting stuff now and again. I hope to improve and post more...especially as the weather gets better and we get a bit more active. I totally recommend going out and checking out how to do some is fun and probably a good thing to have a basic understanding of.

Spring is coming (don't forget to spring ahead) - Excited for all the bright colors this season!!!

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

A new fish?

So...for some reason for the last few years, I have wanted a fish tank at work. Maybe it is because my dad has one in his office and I always thought it was cool or because I can't keep a plant alive to save my life, who knows...but I got a small Beta last year, named him Sushi (morbid, I know) and he was my buddy at work. Last September, Sushi left us...I think he just worked too much (he was always at the office) or maybe he was worried I wasn't coming back, since he made his final jump while I was out of town or perhaps it was just because as I learned after some research...Betas like to jump and he did just that. We will never know since he can't tell us after his passing and the fact that he was a fish. My coworker wrote this fabulous eulogy for him.
After a little under a year I decided to get a new fish, I decided an upgraded tank was necessary because I wanted him to have a bit more room to move around. I went to the pet store and picked up Martini...a fabulous blue beta, a new 2 tank with pump, a rock, and some plants for him to play around. Got him all set up in the new tank on Sunday and was excited to have my new office mate (Title: Director of Aquatic Resources).

Monday I came in and decided that I wanted to do some additional research to make sure that this fish had the best life. I didn't know if I was responsible for Sushi's death, but I didn't want it to happen again. I consulted the web and an expert (Katelyn...she should really blog about her happy fish family) and the interwebs.

I found out that I was a horrible fish owner...did you know that a Beta shouldn't be kept in a tank smaller than 5 gallons? that you need to be considerate of the type of plants (alive or fake) that are in the tank because of their fins? that they don't like currents? that they need warm water? Oh and that you need all of this bacteria in the tank for happy fish/water/plants? I felt so guilty for the life that I put Sushi through and any fish prior to him for that matter.

So this little addition to the office because a larger project. Amazon - beta hammock, beta log, testing kit. Pet shop - larger tank...8 gallons, new rocks, new plants (live ones).  This is a picture of the upgrade from the 2 gallon to the 8. Lucky fish...

So, I let the water settle over night and then transferred Martini over on Friday. Unfortunately...I came in on Monday and he had passed away (no need to give me a hard time...I feel horrible enough about it all on my own). Katelyn researched it for me and he died of new tank syndrome...if I remember correctly. Basically he wasn't strong enough to handle all of the changes that a new tank goes through.

So it has now been 2+ weeks and probably $150 later and I am still without fish. I am working to get the right bacteria levels (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate). I have a heater, the right power of pump (that was a whole other story, but all I can say is that the customer service at Aqueon is amazing), live plants (I don't have to water they should survive).

Life Lesson: Research fish before you get them, you are taking a life into your hands...take care of it. As crazy as this sounds, Betas were not meant to live in little cups/vases/etc...they need space. Same goes for any animal. Once I get this all set up...the fish or fish (plural) that live in there will be very well taken care of.

Cool random fish at the aquarium...he would pretty much take up my whole 2 gallon tank.