I wrote this on the plane home from atlanta after breaking up with XXX, traveling back and forth to Altanta for two weeks, in desperate need of a vacation and no sign of one in sight...just feeling emotionally/physically/mentally drained....a little over the top...but it was all I could do to stop my self from breaking down and crying from exhastion of all that was going on...
Back to blogging…
So…I am back. The Las Vegas Bikini Body didn’t happen…I think it might have been the beer or the wine or the stress or the lack of working out or the chocolate or the boys or the lack of sleep…but hey it was all fun and I survived another busy season and here the summer comes again. Oh well…now I have the summer to get back into it and for blogging.
I would have to say that this isn’t exactly where I thought I would be when I was 26 and a half (that’s right…we are counting the half…which reminds me I should probably be planning a little party for that…maybe in a month). Anywho…I had a dream as most people do…planned to be married, have children (shocking I know), live in a happy little home in the suburbs and of course be ridiculously wealthy (obviously). However fate/god/the world, whatever you may believe in had a different plan and although it was not what I planned and at times I feel like I missed out on something and worry that perhaps I won’t ever have that little dream I had. But after crying my way through two plane rides this week and probably freaking out everyone around me I have to take a moment to step back and realize what an idiot I am to be so upset and to allow myself to get upset or sad about the fact that I broke up with someone that was so wrong for me. That I am upset because one small piece of my life isn’t working (for the slow ones out there…I am referring to my love life). I guess that it is human nature to focus on the things that are not going well in our life and to allow that to bring us down.
Well, to counter that I just wanted to take a moment to be thankful and express my thanks. Cheezy…sure, but you don’t have to read if you don’t want to. :P
So reality…I am 26, I am single (and lets face it…we usually have more fun), I do have a child that loves me unconditionally (she is 4 and is about 1 ft tall…obviously she did not get my height), I own a condo, I have a fabulous job that I love (and love to bitch about). If you really think about it, I am not too far off from my dream…it is a little twisted but it is there.
Most important to me and I am probably not always the best about expressing it…is that I have the most amazing network of friends and family that people would kill for. My dad once told me that if you call someone in the middle of the night and tell them that you need them to come to your immediately, a good friend will ask “why?” but will show up. HOWEVER, a GREAT friend would be there as soon as they could, they would not need to ask why, they would not need time to think about it, they would not question your request…they would move heaven and earth to be there for you. He told me that there were 2 people in his life that he thought he could categorize as these “GREAT” friends. I can think of 4 (Sorry…not going to say who) people in my life that would fit in this category. And I can’t even begin to think of how many I can put as “good” friends. I don’t say this to brag or to display how popular I am. I say it to tell them thank you. I say it because I really don’t think I could function without them (we all see how easily I can fall apart about something). I appreciate their love, their support, their impulse to want to brutally murder anyone who would dare hurt me (sorry kate…had to remove the facebook post..I am not that bitter about the whole thing, but I appreciate the love). I also hope that they understand that I value them and hope that they know that I would be there for them no matter what (well…except to have a drink…at least for the next month ;)…I will however watch and even be there to help you pick out a good one).
So thank you…to those who call me on my bullshit, to those that will follow me on my weird adventures, support me when I decide to do crazy things like bike 200 miles, walk 60, not drink for a month, going vegan, buying things I don’t REALLY need, to those that support me when I go the right direction, support me when I go the wrong direction, and those who don’t tell me I told you so when I realize that I made the mistake they knew I was going to. I am here for you whenever you need me. LOVE YOU!!!
“Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live.” ~Nicolas de Chamfort
I being the queen over thinker of the over thinkers, am really going to try to embrace this and enjoy things…at least that is the plan. Because lets face it….I have to have a plan. I may change it, I may divert from it, I may not even listen to it…but there has to be a plan.
I am going out to live my life...and blog about it here and there…more later.
(Hopefully the writing will improve as I write more)